ISSN 1881-803X
ICIC Express Letters
An International Journal of Research and Surveys
1. Submissions
The ICIC Express Letters (abbreviated as ICIC-EL) is welcoming contributions related with the journal's scope. In general, decisions will be made after review within 3 months of receipt. All manuscripts are evaluated as either "accepted for publication" or "rejected". Accepted articles will generally be published within 6 months thereafter.
Manuscripts (in a single PDF, PDF only) should be submitted to the ICIC-EL Submission System:
2. Peer Review Process
For all submissions to ICIC-EL, a prescreen process will be conducted by Editors. Some manuscripts will be declined without sending out for review, if the works reported are not sufficiently novel or important to merit publication in the journal, or of limited interest to the target audience. At least two experts in related fields will be consulted for manuscripts selected for further review. In case of inconsistent recommendations from the two referees, a third expert will be consulted. The final decision of a submitted manuscript, acceptance or rejection, lies with the Editor-in-Chief.
3. Manuscript Layout
Manuscripts should be typewritten in English on one side only with wide margins using single spacing throughout. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered. The front page should contain the article title, author's name and affiliation, abstract and keywords. The abstract should not exceed 200 words and should be intelligible to general readers without recourse to the main text. A list of notation should be avoided, but new notation and departures from standard use should be explained in text.
Articles should, in general, begin with an introduction which adequately covers the literature and scope of the paper. Each section in the paper should be numbered. Each article should have, in general, a conclusion or discussion section. Any appendices should follow the Reference section.
4. Illustrations
Proper figure preparation is essential for optimum reproduction of line drawing and photograph. Figures and Tables should be placed as part of the text and should be numbered. Reprints, if needed, should be ordered as soon as the article is accepted for publication.
5. References
References should be listed at the end of the main text. All in-text citations (references) should be listed in order, that is, [1], [3,4], [6-9], etc. In the References, each citation should be written in the order of appearance in the text. The normal form of listed references is author's initials, surname; article title; journal name (abbreviated in accordance with the World List of Scientific Periodicals, 4th edn); volume number; issue number; page numbers; year.
6. Copyright/Offprints
Manuscript submitted to this journal signifies that it has not been published previously, has not been copyrighted, has not been submitted elsewhere and the author(s) agrees that the copyright (copyright form) for article will be transferred to the publisher upon acceptance of the article.
After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author's institution or company will be approached with a kind request to pay a reasonable charge to cover part of the cost of publication. The author will receive a free copy of the journal with a CD containing his/her paper after the page charge is honored. Further offprint can be ordered at extra cost at the proof stage.
Acceptance of LaTex by the ICIC Express Letters
If accepted papers written by LaTex, the authors will be asked to provide the LaTex source files of the paper. In preparing the paper, please use the attached ICIC-EL style files for submission (LaTex: icicel.cls, icicel-sample; Word with PDF: icicel-sample), and ensure that all the macros used to write your paper accompany the manuscript. The final accepted, in general, paper should not exceed six printed pages by using ICIC-EL LaTex or Word style. If you have any questions about the use of this file in preparing your paper, please contact the editorial office. Please follow all the usual instructions to authors as detailed above. It is very important to follow the correct referencing system.
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